Occasion EOS M400 #293753014 à vendre en France
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ID: 293753014
Style Vintage: 2020
3D Printer
Mono laser with power: 1 kW
Operating time: <3000 Hours
1216-5203 Cone for stainless steel container with 20 Liters (Funnel adaptor)
200001300 ThermoFlex 5000 Recirculating chiller
1219-0500 Refill module with camlock adapter
200000494 EOSSTATE Laser / M400 Hardware
4053-0194 Transformer: 45 kVA
300005789 AL40
300010769 Frame for dispenser system
200003043 Print domain
300050703 Stainless steel container with lid 20 Liters
Pocket monitor
Laser, 1000 W
2020 vintage.
Il n'y a pas encore de critiques